FYH-YJV22 FYH-VV22 FYH-YJLV22 FYH-VLV22 防鼠防蚂蚁电缆 (询价,采购,技术咨询): 、 苏 防鼠、防白蚁电力电缆Rated voltage up to and including 35kV mouseproof or termiteproof powercable | 产品标准 Standard 本产品按GB12706- 9《额定电压35kV 及以下铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》、GB2951.38-86《电线电缆白蚁试验方法》、Q/320282DCE014-2000《防鼠 电线电缆》标准生产。
电缆的型号 Type of cable |
使用特性 Operating characteristics ·电缆导体的长期zui高允许工作温度: Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor. 聚氯乙烯绝缘不超过70,交联聚乙烯绝缘不超过90。 PVC insulated:70,XPLE insulated :90 ·短路时(5秒内)zui高温度 Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor (5s ) 聚氯乙烯绝缘不能超过160,交联聚乙烯绝缘不超过250。 ·电缆敷设温度不能低于0。 ·The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0。 ·电缆的弯曲半径为: ·The bending radius of a cable 。 ·单芯电缆不小于电缆外径的20倍;多芯电缆不小于电缆外径的15倍; ·single –core cables should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter , others not less than 15 times of the cable ·防鼠电缆经国家电线电缆质量监督检验中心及上海医科大学动物试验研究所试验合格 具备同类产品的先进水平 Mouseproof cable is eligible ,because they have passed the mouseproof examination of national quality test center of wire and cable and animal experiment graduate school of university of medicinal science in Shanghai . ·防蚁电缆通过国标GB2951.38-86《电线电缆白蚁试验方法》的检验。 Termiteproof power cable is passed through GB2951.38-86. ·采用先进的化学防鼠防白蚁方法,具有易加工、易施工、易维护、重量轻等优点。 Adopting advanced chemic way of ratproofing ,mouseproof or termiteproof cable have many virtue ,such as easy machining \construction 、easy maintenance and light weight etc. ·具有低毒、无污染,不会对环境及人体造成二次灾害。 They have lower wirulence and cannot bring pollution ,moreover cannot bring twice disaster to people and entironment. ·防鼠 防白蚁有效期长,可达二十年以上。 They have awfully longger period of validity on mouseproof or temiteproof hand, their period of validity are all of twenty years. ·可根据用户要求生产具有耐火、阻燃特性的防鼠电线电缆。 Our company can product fire – retardant and flame – retardant wire and cable according to user requirement.
生产范围    20℃是导体允许zui大直流电阻  电缆参考截留量 0.6/1kV聚氯乙烯绝缘防鼠防白蚁电力电缆(A) 0.6/1kV PVC insulated mouseproof or termiteproof power cable 在空气中敷设 In air  

电缆敷设运行条件 Installation and operation condition of cable 导体zui高工作温度: Max, continous operating temperature of the conductor: 聚氯乙烯绝缘为70℃,交联聚乙烯绝缘为90℃ PVC insulated 70℃ ,XPLE insulated 90℃ 环境空气温度: Ambient air temperature 40℃ 土壤温度: soil temperature 25℃ 土壤热阻系数: thermal resistivity of soil 1.0.m/w 埋设深度: Depth of laying 交联电缆为0.8m,塑力缆为0.7m。 XPLE insulated power cable 0.8m,PVC insulated power cable 0.7m ● 环境条件对电缆载流量的修正系数 Current rating factors for variation in ambient air temperature 直埋敷设 Direct in the ground 不同土壤温度下载流量修正系数 Current rating factors for variation in soil temperature 
     产品规格:普通规格(库存现货供应),特殊规格按照客户要求定做。 产品数量:起订量为10米,量大优惠 包装说明:盘装 价格说明: : 、 苏 在线咨询:903092774 :903092774 |